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PFO Meeting Minutes

Thursday, January 16th, 2025


Administration Updates with Mrs. Longo, Mr. Bilik (0m0s - 15m11s)

  • Student council: Coin collection raised ~$1500 for Stamford Humane Society; charitable organization decided by the students

  • Soup-erbowl of Kindness taking place now for food bank. Bring in your soup cans!

  • School is now recycling, will take money earned from recycling bottles & cans to a current cause such as California Wildfires 

  • Lockdown Drill in December. Can learn more of the procedure in the Family Guide. 

    • Proposed future PFO meeting topic - Safety discussion

  • Assessment window is open - iReady in reading & math; K-3: Dibels. January 3rd community letter - In the upcoming weeks, our teachers will be administering mid-year assessments which may include Dibels, iReady and the DESSA.  As you know by now, literacy, math and social emotional skills are measured throughout the year. The information we gather continues to help us identify areas of growth and instructional focus.

  • Global connections & discussion with 3rd graders in Cameroon 

  • Literacy Night - January 30th at 5:30pm


Teacher Liaison Updates with Mrs. Chambers (15m46s - 25m10s) 

  • Kindergarten - uFli phonics, blending sounds, partner reading. CKLA - focusing on farms. Math - different combinations to make numbers, different addition sentences for the same sum

  • First grade - Dibels reading assessments, magic E & syllable types, small group reading, Math - greater than/less than, equal sign, place value, Science - air & weather unit, experiments. CKLA - ancient civilizations, starting early american civilizations, learning about MLK. On the 100th day, will do t-shirt project. Model for classmates on 100th day of school

  • 2nd grade - Finishing ancient asian civilizations unit, lunar new year, ancient greek civilizations and greek mythology. Math - telling/showing/writing time to the nearest 5 mins, measurements. Writing - detail to writing, using senses & strategies to grab attention with entertaining beginning. Started Dibels testing & learning about MLK

  • 3rd grade - MClass, iReady math & reading. Literacy - unit on folktales and identifying character traits/proving points with evidence. Empowering writers - end of informational writing unit. Math - wrapping geometry, next unit - fractions. Science - motion & design unit. Social studies - Cameroon, multi-unit Stamford Steps program, non-profit called African Sky. Goal - each group to learn about others’ cultural and educational experiences. 

  • 4th grade - Science unit on animal & plant structures (dissection), Math - fractions. Studying US regions in social studies & reading. Writing constructive response by identifying the givens, must dos and variables in Empowering Writers

  • 5th grade - CKLA unit on Mesoamerica & iReady


Project Lead the Way with Mrs. Donch (29m02s -51m25s)


  • Can learn more at the Project Lead the Way website -

  • Available for 4-5th graders this year. Provides STEM education programs from K-12. Learning through exploration & discovery; hands-on, real world activities 

  • 4th grade - computer input/output systems; computer scientist & learning about computing systems. Will create a digital game

  • 5th grade - infectious diseases; infection, modeling & simulation. Create simulation to determine how quickly an infection spreads


Fundraising Update with Courtney Copper (51m37s -59m31s)




(203) 977-4282

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